Anya Shvetsova
How did you get to Telluride?
I came to the Western Slope after spending two years in Berlin, I fell in love with the area instantly. I live in Ridgway and I absolutely love coming and spending time in Telluride!
What is your sign?
Aquarius sun and Aries Moon. Apparently, they call this combo “the ambassador of disruption”. Stubborn and impatient. Perfect qualities to become a yoga teacher
What brings you the most joy?
Traveling. Discovering new places, new cultures. Learning new things. Continuous growth.
Who or what influences your teaching style?
My teacher Yogi Dinesh Chander Ji (disciple of Swami Yogananda) as well as the teachers from the very first yoga studio I stepped into, which happened to be a Bikram studio in NYC, have been the biggest influence on the way I teach. I also take my inspiration from pretty much every teacher I meet. I love talking elements I like from someone else’s practice and incorporating them into my own. The classes I teach include the elements of Hatha, Vinyasa, Pranayama and my knowledge of applied neuroscience
About Anya:
Originally from Belarus, I came to the States when I was 19 and spent 15 years living in NYC. This is where I discovered yoga for myself, practicing Bikram at the time. It all started as a need for good exercise. Over time this turned into an amazing journey that led me to India, where I met my teacher and finished my training ,and eventually to this incredible studio in a small mountain town of Telluride!
How do you apply practice to your life?
My Aries Moon makes me impatient, my Aquarius sun lacks grounding qualities. My practice brings me back into the moment and into my body. It grounds me and teaches me to be present even with the most uncomfortable things. It allows me to sit in silence with myself without needing to be anywhere else. My practice is my home. It makes me a better human all around.